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About Customer

Our customer is a company that specializes in manufacturing network equipment and network security solutions. Their router has the software for configuration, monitoring the router operation. This software also allows user to configure router security options. This software has been developed for long time ago and uses Flex technology for the UI part. Currently, the Flex technology is not supported, and our customer need convert the entire UI interfaces to Adobe Air and adding some new features at the same time.


GITS’s Solutions

The most challenge is the limited budget for this project and we need to find the best method and then implementing the entire the UI screens.  We divided the development in two stages. 

  1. Pilot phase for some screens of the UI: Since this conversion has never been done before, this pilot phase is a technique for converting several UI screens, defining the method and determining how many common conversion patterns.
  1. Migration and testing of entire UI screens: Migrate many screens based on the conversion patterns and processes established during the pilot phase. At the same time, retest the product based on existing scenarios.



  • UI:Flex, Adobe Air
  • Backend: Java socket, CLI



By building conversion patterns and defining standard practices at the pilot stage, we have completed converting all UI Screens of the software on time, within a reasonable budget and on schedule. Customers have in turn entrusted us with similar conversions for other versions and device management software.

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